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Scout Ship

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MSS Tradewind
Helmsman Requirements

1. Swimming- Earn a Life Saving Certificate

2. Demonstrate your knowledge of the following:
a. Aids to Navigation, including radio aids
b. Rules of the Road applicable to your area waters and type of boat
c. Restricted visibility signals of sail and power vessels
d. Distress signals, during the day and night hours
e. "Man Overboard" and "Fire" drills
f. The charting of a simple dead-reckoning course and correctios of compass errors
g. Weather knowledge as applied to small craft operations
h. Weather warnings
i. Safety equipment required by law for your type of craft

3. Boat Handling
a. Write briefely on the theory of operation of your vessel.  Define relevant terms.  Make a sketch of the type of vessel you use and identify the mail pars of the hull and rigging
b. Demonstrate the proper procedures in readying a boat for operation, including underway, mooring, and leaving the vessel safe and shipshare at mooring.  Make a pre-cruise checklist for your boat and its equipment
c. As skipper of your craft, take complete charge of the ship and crew.   Demonstrate your ability to handle it expertly.
d. Demonstrate how to handle and repair your craft under adverse condtions, such as poor weather, equipment malfunction, jury rig a mast, mend a sail, rig and emergency tiller.  Demonstrate how to right a small craft after capsize.

4. Teach five subjects required by previous ranks to the crew and to your skippers satisfaction.

5. Complete the Senior Girl Scout Challenge (Senior GS Handbook)

6. Previous to a board of review, submit an essay of approximately 500 words about what you've gained through your experience in Girl Scouting.

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