MSS Tradewind
Jacktar Requirements
1. Swimming-
2. Marlinspike- Be able to correct execute a:
a. Short splice
b. Back splice
c. Eye splice
d. Long splice
3. Compass and Relative Bearings- Know the history, part of, and appropriate use or the compass on board a vessel. Be able to box a compass to 32 points. Know relative bearings and be able to explain their use on board a vessel.
4. Be able to recognize the following types of boats and the major parts of each vessel:
a. Sailboats: Catboat, Sloop, Ketch, Yawl, Schooner, Clipper
b. Nomenclature: Mast, boom, spar, Standing and Running rigging
c. Sail rigging: Gaff, Marconi, Schooner, Ketch and Yawl
d. Boats: Skiff, Dory, Dinghy, Pulling Whaleboat, Pram, Kayak, Canoe, Catamaran, Runabout, Motor Cruiser, Motor Sailier, Motor lifeboat, Self-bailing surfboat
e. nomenclature: Bow, Stern, Foredeck, Transom, Chock, Cleat, Thwart, Knee, Rowlock, Rib, Chine, Gunwhatle, Breastplate, Stern, Skeg, Keel, Stern Post, Planking, Tumble Home.
f. Parts of an oar or paddle: Tip, Blade, Throat, Grip
Read and explain major symbols on a nautical chart. Be familar with Chart #1. Identify:
a. Daymarks
b. Buoys
c. Compass Rose
d. Anchorages
e. Marinas
f. Mautical mile scale
g. Bottom characteristics
h. Longitude
i. Latitude
j. Obstructions
5. Learn Priciple aids to navigation and explain their use.
Identify: Daymarks, Buoys, Range Marks
6.Help organize an overnight trip. Be aware of safety, health, sanitation, and comfort requirements outlined in "SAFETY WISE". Briefly describe and evaluate your trip.
7. Help make, maintain and preserve a boat or other noautical ship equipment. Explain how you did your work and why.
8. Earn the Senior Girl Scout Leadership Award. If you already have done so, earn a service training bar in the area of your choice.