MSS Tradewind
Mariner Pin Requirements
1. Complete and turn in a Girl Scout registration form to the Skipper
2. Turn in completed medical history/insurance form to the Skipper
Be able to recite the Girl Scout Promise and Laws and tell what they mean to you
4. Know where GSUSA is located
Identify national council association and troop terms
What is the Girl Scout Program?
Who started Girl Scouts?
Where and when was the first GSA meeting
Who was the founder of Girl Scouts and what was her nickname?
What were the original program elements?
5. What is WAGGGS?
What are the names of the 4 world centers?
What is teh purpose of WAGGS?
How many
countries are members?
6. When was Mariner Girl Scouts officially launched?
Identify mariner emblems and uniforms
When was the Tradewind started?
Who were the Skippers?
How many boats has the Tradewind had? What were they?
Who is the current boatswain?
How is the ship organized, and what are the roles?
7. Swimming
Jump in a pool fully dressed and float for 10 minutes
After floating, then make floatation out of your clothes