MSS Tradewind
Midshipmite Requirements
1. Swimming
2. Marlinspike- Know and be able to point out the following parts of a rope: fiber, yarn, strand and rope. Know the different types of line and how each is used. Demonstate your ability to do a common whipping and a needle whipping.
Bell time and watches- Explain and use 24 hour (military) time. Understand the use of Zulu or Grenich Mean time. Name the six watches in order starting at Midnight and at what hours they start. Understand and be able demonstate the use of bells to tell time
4. Choose one of the following activities:
a. Demonstrate your ability to plan and cook a well balanced meal out-of-doors, or which could be prepared aboard ship is a small galley. You must know how many you are cooking for before determining a menu and a shopping list. Remember to find out about any dietary restrictions.
b. Help plan and participate in a day's outing by boat or canoe. You must know how many you are attending your outing. Remember to find out about any dietary restrictions for food. Safety issues identified and addressed through training, permission slips and pre-departure checklists will be required.
5. Share your talent or skill with a Brownie or Junior troop, or help carry out a service project with other scouts in your community. Briefly describe and evaluate your project.
6. Demonstrate your knowledge of the following boating safety principles:
a. Man Overboard
b. Fare safety
c. Distress Signals
d. PFD care and use
e. Capsize procedure
f. Weather warings
7. Earn the Water Sports Interest project (Senior Girl Scout Interest Project Book)
Suggested activities for Mariners: Skill builders #1, #2; Technology #3, #4, #5 Service Project #1, #4, #5 Career Exploration #1, #3, #4